Galt is a different kind of book company.
We feature the books of Doug Thorburn on the subject of early-stage addiction to alcohol and other drugs.
Thorburn is dedicated to uncovering and sharing revolutionary insights that will help make the world around us a better place.
Specifically, Thorburn's books help to identify and arrest the addiction processes in their earliest stages of development. They also explore the far-reaching social consequences of addiction, evident in history, biographies and current events.
We know you will find extraordinary benefit in Doug Thorburn's book, but more importantly, life-changing benefits. We ask that you refer others with similar concerns and interests. Thank you for visiting.


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Myths and Realities

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Galt Publishing  All rights reserved

Doug Thorburn

Foreword by
G. Douglas Talbott

Drunks, Drug & Debits
Identify Early-Stage Alcoholism and
Avoid Becoming a Victim...

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$19.95 - Hard Cover, 362 pages
ISBN 0-9675788-3-3

It could take years for the average person to learn that their spouse, friend or business partner is an addict...and that they, themselves, could become financially and psychologically ruined!

Doug Thorburn graphically illustrates how alcohol and other drug addictions can cause financial disruption to spouses, children, parents, significant others, partners, co-workers and others. A financial professional who learned about addiction the hard way, Thorburn vowed "never again," then proceeded to learn everything possible about this under-studied subject.

Thorburn tells his story hoping to help others and prevent the sort of tragedy that befell both him and his ex-fiance.

Doug Thorburn

Foreword by
Sgt. Thomas Page
LAPD, Ret.

Get Out of the Way!
Learn How To Identify and Avoid a
Driver Under the Influence...

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$12.95 - Soft Cover, 115 pages
ISBN 0-9675788-4-1

You may think you haven't seen many intoxicated drivers---but look again! This new book takes a revolutionary look at the road...and the alcoholic or drug addict headed your way.

Doug Thorburn, author of Drunks, Drugs & Debits: How To Recognize Addicts and Avoid Financial Abuse, takes you on a tour of the destructive mental processes of those drivers who infuriate and endanger the rest of us on a daily basis.

You will be amazed at how reckless driving behaviors can tip off even more serious problems!

Doug Thorburn

How To Spot
Hidden Alcoholics
Behavioral Clues to Recognizing
Addiction in its Early Stages

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$14.95 - Soft Cover, 184 pages
ISBN 0-9675788-6-8

Just as cancer starts in a few cells and spreads mercilessly, alcoholism starts small and progresses to a fatal disease. Doug Thorburn, renowned author and addiction expert, reveals why so many attempts to conquer problem drinking are doomed to fail. Using numerous examples and case histories, Thorburn demonstrates how subtle, innocuous behaviors are actually early indicators of addiction long before the addict has lost control.

The tools in this book are designed to enable family, friends and employers to spot the early warning signs of alcoholism and drug addiction, and to intervene at formative stages to prevent, rather than react, to tragedy.

Doug Thorburn

Myths and Realities
Removing the Stigma of
Society's Most Destructive Disease

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$14.95 - Soft Cover, 192 pages
ISBN 0-9675788-2-5

More than 100 widespread myths about drug and alcohol abuse are enumerated and then dispelled in this book about the reality of addiction. Questions such as Does proper parenting and involvement prevent alcoholism? and Do alcoholics lack willpower? are addressed, and a myriad of addiction-related falsities considered true by the general public and even medical professionals are identified and refuted. Specific attention is paid to redefining and understanding alcohol addiction, including guidelines on identifying symptoms of alcoholism in social settings and detailed information on the biological difference between the disease in its early and late stages.